Some pages and some plans.

I did some Scrappin’ whehew!
I got the glimmer mist in this months kit from Scrapbook Obsessions. Omgosh that stuff is sooo much fun! I sprayed it on the flowers on this layout, as well as on the chipboard letters. IT was a very cool effect. The scan didnt come out good since the layout was lumpy but.. I didnt get to go outside and photo it today.

This I got this month from Treasures to Scrap. This is the Love Elsie Claire paper, and I used the KI LACE cardstock called hearts blushing. It was very fun to work with. She has it for 1.29 a sheet where everyone else has it for 2 bucks plus!!! Yeah I like scrapping but ughmm we got bills to pay so I like to get it cheaper If I can.
Yall know I love that Basic grey font Wilma. I used stickles glitter glue to make it blingy. Yeah she sales that for $1.29 a bottle. Compared to 2.29 other places. SOoooooooooo If your looking for the Love Elsie and Ki lace papers be sure and Check out Treasures to Scrap store. She has everything Cheaper than most places!! 35% cheaper. She just got in all the Fancy pants papers too. ALso I know Animal Crackers from Making memories is on its way too. It should be here this week along with some other cool stuff! That is the CUTEST paper. Have you seen it? OH just wait it is adorable!

I LOVE LOVE this picture of Miss Bella. SHe looks just like her little mischievious self there. ALthough she did need a hair cut in a BAD WAY!!

Bella has been Playing away with her presents she got for her birthday.
She made her own Thank you cards with her new Cuttlekids diecutter that grandma got her. She was so cute making those cards.

Did you watch American Idol tonight? David Cook was rockin the joint! I loved that jacket he had on.. SaNNAZZZY! We have settled in watching Deadliest catch now. OUR OTHER FAVORITE show evah! That show is so addicting! I never though that crab fishing woudl catch my interest but it sure has!
National Scrapbook say is coming up this weekend. WHat are you plans? ARe you scrapping away at a LSS or an ONLINE store? tell me tell me I wanna know what your gonna do. I am probably gonna be glued to my scrap room finishing a special project I am working on. Bellas 4K graduation is NEXT THURSDAY (AHHHHHHHHHHHH!) SO I have got to get this finished! I will show you some highlights when IM done.
Hope you have a great evening!

OH I ALMOST FORGOT!!! KATE tagged me!!

THANK youuu Kate.
ahhhh THANK youuu Kate.
lol. here it is and I will tag some lucky people when Im done

1.Last music you listened to – Daughtry Im goin home (its on my blog)
2.Last thing you watched on TV – Deadliest Catch (its on now)
3.Last movie you saw – we watched “Enchanted” last night.
4.Last book you read – “Tip” Bella’s Abecca book she has to read.
5.Last person you spoke to – online? Fran in an I.m. in person? John

6.Last thing you ate – chicken quesadilla
7.Last time you laughed – This morning at Bella and John they both had their arms the same over their head in bed.

8.Last place you visited – The park … Bella’s Birthday.
9.Last website you visited – Old Navy… see if they got fat clothes.

10.Last thing you scrapped/crafted – see above lol

NOW: I TAG: ANNETTE, ANGEL, Di, Jing Jing, and JAN
(yall can thank me later hehe)


Bella had her birthday party yesterday at the Park. It was a beautiful day sunshiney and blue skies. A GREAT TIME I DO BELIEVE was had by all. She had 8 of her friends from school come celebrate with her. (including her best friend from across the street) She got alot of fun and nice things. NOW we are working on Thank you cards. she did get some of them made ahead of time but we have a few more to do.
As you can see.. She LOVESSS Hannah Montana. (that guitars days are numbered) We thought the headset was just that a headset that she could listen to it and no one else… ughmm NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! ITS A MICROPHONE! Dear Lord help us!
John Has already threatened that it would be an outside toy.. then that it was gonna be Guido’s toy. Than that he was gonna pound it upside a tree if she didnt turn the voluem down. It was a fun evening around here.
After her party her best friend Eva Caroline from across the street (she is in the above photos as well) came over and played. They had the BEST TIME breaking in all her new presents.

I hope you all had a lovely Saturday too.

WHEWEW I won a free kit!

This month with Scrapbook Obsessions. IT is their anniversary kit at that. IT is so full of stuff. THis paper is so gorgeous! I hated to cut it. They had a ton of add on’s this month to go with it as well.
IF YOU WANT THIS ONE… You better hurry! IT is going like hot cakes. That prima is fine! I LOVE those flowers. In the photo it looks like its just 3 flowers ughmm NO it is 12 of those gorgeous flowers in that box they are just stacked on top of each other so its hard to notice it. I have already done 2 pages today. (that is a record for me) I didnt do really complicated pages today though I was really wanting to dive into that box!

I know it is hard to see but the word sweet is in the back ground paper, I tried to highlight it with some white chalk… you can see it better in person.
Since it is dark I had to scan these, so… they don’t always look as good. But, you get the general idea. OK back to scrappin’ LOVEEE this kit!!


I love this picture of Bella. SHe looks a little nervous but you can see she is trying to understand the whole dynamics of this horse ride. It made me think of the topic I used for this page. TRUST. We are born with it.. but when do we learn NOT to trust? I know.. what a deep subject. YET one that has been on my mind. I want Bella to know TRUST. I want her to face life head on kickin’ and screamin’
I want her to TRUST that life is kinda rough but TRUST that it will be ok. No matter what.
I used the scrapworks line called Formal affair. On this. Along with that snazzy little making memories journaling book. I tell ya I have enjoyed that little book so much. It really helps when your like me and can’t write worth a flip, It has the little lines to kinda go by.
I used the Tim Holtz Grunge board on it since it had that westerny horsey kinda feel to it. Dont you just love that stuff!!!
I put 4 arrow photo turns in case I dont notice the 4 I put on the side and put it in the wrong album. I always put something on the page to let me know how old she is in the photo. Not sure if yall have ever noticed that or not.

The journaling reads as follows:
Sometimes, no matter how hard life seems, Even when it may be unfair. You have to dig in your heels, hang on to the saddle and just go with the ride. When it is over you may look back and see just how strong you truly are.
love, Mommy

I hope Some day Bella will read this and really take note of it. That yeah life sucks but just dig in hold on and keep goin’

Hope you all have a wonderful day 🙂


Today is my little bugs birthday! SHe is the big 5 years old.
She took cupcakes to school today to share with her class. she was sooo excited. Her party is going to be on Saturday but had a mini party at her school today.

She has invited everyone she sees to her party on Saturday, Including the staff at Wal-mart, everyone at her school and a few others that were probably reached by phone. She is so excited to be FIVE. She got a big ol box in the mail from Grandma that had some Hannah Montana stuff including a wig (yeah it has been hysterical to play with John looks especially groovy in it HI HONEY!!) hehehehe

I still find it hard to believe she is already five. Seems she was born yesterday. wow how time flies.
In honor of her birthday we will have her favorite meal of “bughsketti” (spaghetti) for supper tonight.
Not like we dont eat that all the time but … Its her birthday so bughsketti it is.
I think she is gonna be celebrating for several weeks to come. This week I know she is. If we can keep her contained until Saturday we will have accomplished something.
Id like to thank her teacher for sending that blow out horn home with her too, GRRRR, hahahaha

So here is to Bella bug turning Five. I can’t wait to see what this year has in store.

Spring Break

Bella had been experiencing her first spring break. SHe loudly announced to us on Sunday evening that she was gonna have the “Best spring break EVAH” so we both looked at each other and said “ok” wondering what that was supposed to mean.
I wasnt sure if she thought maybe it would be like Christmas and be this grand holiday with a parade or something. So I explained to her Spring Break just means you don’t go to school next week, You will stay home with Mommy.
Daddy is taking vacation from work, so we will all be at home. SHe jumps up and does a jig… hmmm. Ok (note to self when she becomes a teenager and doesn’t want to be seen with us show her this post!!)
SO anyway she has been home all week. I asked her earlier today how her “spring break” was going. Was it the best ever? she said it was pretty good. BUT, Its not over yet she reminded me.
SO I guess tomorrow better stack up to all the other days.

John got her groovy swing set put together and she has put some milage on it so far. She has been an outside lovin’ kid all week.
She has been playing on this swing set since before he got it finished put together haha.
She has made sure all of her toys were introduced to it and they got to take a nap in the “club house” on the top.

SHe has helped her daddy pressure wash the house and shed, Paint the outside of the house and shed, and also picked out ALL the accessories we need for her birthday party on the 26th. SHE QUICKLY reminded me that her birthday was before then but we were just gonna have her PARTY on that day.
(as to not confuse me into not getting her an extra present) I explained to her that the big old cool ginormous swing set was her gift, she said OH. Well maybe we will just eat cake. so I think the deal is set.

I had to go on Wednesday to have my tests done. The Evoked response tests also known as “HUMAN TORTURE” and all for the nice round figure of 399.49 cents.
Im sure it cost alot more than that but oh my lord. They could definitly find out anything they had wanted to know if I had the answers with that test IM telling ya! SO needless to say that blew Wednesday for me. I tell ya I do not understand why some of these tests are like the medication… worse than what is originally wrong with you in the first place. IF something WASN’T wrong with you… there will be when they are done I promise you.
I felt really bad for the lady in the next curtain because if she was next….. she was already praying before I left out of there.
I got home and took a LOOOOOOOOONG nap. I was still nauseaus that night. I have been alternating frozen vegetables On my shoulder and arm where she tried to electricute me.
JOhn was so sweet and got me my most favorite thing ever, Uncle bucks beef and cheese with no mushrooms stromboli with the garlic sauce only he forgot the garlic sauce, I was so hungry though I didnt care, it was still good. I scarfed it down. I was about to starve.
wrong move…
sooo this morning I got up still nauseas and had muscle spasms in my arm and neck (where she shot the power of a car battery through my neck shoulder and arm). Took my medicine, Grabbed more frozen veggies out of the freezer and went back to bed… there went Thursday also.

IM DONE WITH TESTS THOUGH and don’t have to go back to the dr till May 6th which I KNOW isnt far but does sound like a long time off. Just let my brain think that for a little longer anyway. This will be the Rheumatology appt. to decide if this is Lupus doing all this crapp or could it be MS. SO… Im at the point of WHO CARES just fix it…. exhausted tired of tests… tired of feelin like crapp..
so John and Bella have been on their own pretty much. Bella came in tonight and she was SOOOOOOOOOO dirty when she took off her clothes for bathtime, it looked like she still had clothes ON. yeah pretty dirty indeed.SHe has been outside with him step for step so I TOLD HER if I can move tomorrow we would make some cards/thank you notes for her birthday presents she has gotten so far.But if mama still feels crappy we will try our best to do them before the weekend is up. Hopefully we can get that done before the weekend is out. I am really tryin’ to drive that home with her that she is to say THANK YOU and write a thank you card when she receives a gift.

I did do some scrapping on Monday I think it was it might have been saturday..I have my days so mixed up now I honestly have no clue when I made this page but it ws recently.
This is Bella and her “boy” Braydan. They are just the cutest things. They don’t really have the concept of boy friend girlfriend (THANK GOD) yet but they are best friends and want to play all the time. I asked Bella if Braydan was her boy friend or just a friend that was a boy and she said MAMA isnt that THE SAME THINGG! no foolin her huh?

OH before I forget. I ALSO wanted to let you know Tracy got in a ton of new product in her store at Treasures to Scrap. Yall know IM all about good deals and if you can get the same product( love elsie, Bo Bunny, Fancy Pants, KI Lace Paper, Cosmo Cricket) every one else gets at regular price for a discount.. THEN IM ALL OVER IT! so go check out what she got. EVERYthing EVERYday is 35% below retail. no foolin, it really is. If you have a request for certain product that she doesnt have.. she will do her best to get it also.

I hope everyone has had a great week and that it was the “BEST SPRING BREAK EVAH” for you and yours if you had it 😉

Bella goes International

I had a really good day today. We got Happy mail! One of the pages that is to be published in SCRAPBOOKING MEMORIES The Austrailian magazine that I LOVEEEEEEE! Came today. I am SOOOOO excited and impressed with this magazine. It is full of awesome pages and ideas. Im so used to the American magazines that have alot of ads and not alot of layout in them. This one OMG had a TON OF layouts just pages and pages of JUST layouts. Im so impressed. YES I cant wait to see my other pages in it. Here is the one IM in so you guys (my family I know, My mom especially will go buy tons of copies hahahaa)can see the cover:

The page is shown in the index in teh front of the book and also in the book on page 32 also. JOHNS HAND IS IN THERE rofl. I told him Id make him famous.

hahaha. as if. THis is far from famous but it was a very wonderful happy today, The weather dropped off cold and I have been feelin liek crapp and all blue because I REALLY dont want to do all these tests and all the money we are having to spend. SOmetimes I wonder if it is better not knowing… but I want to be here a long time to see Bella bug grow up so.. .I put on my big girl drawers and go on.

This magazine has 196 pages and A TON OF LAYOUTS IN IT. IM sooo impressed with it. If I didnt have a lifetime subscription to this other magazine I wont say the name of, Id get this one. My mom keeps renewing it for 2 years when they send the little renewal notices. I think I will have that mag till im about 80!!

John got Bellas swing set put together today. It was taking a really long time and John was geting all confused by the numbers. He had written on the boards like the directions said then it just wasnt going together just right… then he noticed… BELLA HAD written some numbers and letters like daddy ON THE OTHER SIDES of them. ROFL sorry hun I had to laugh that was sooo funny but I knwo he was so frustrated.
she is gonna have sooo much fun on that thing. Man I wish i Had one of those when I was a kid!!!

Hope you are having a good week I just had to share my good news with you guys. You can pick up a copy at Borders or a books a million. OR You can always go to their website.

the weekend

I have been scrappin when I have been able to focus. I am almost finished with a mini album. I finished a layout and I had forgotten to post my Di Hickman card sketch card I did last week. Last week was so mentally exhausting. I just was in a daze most of the week. Not hurting so much as having this weakness that feels os weird. Like you have walked a huge marathon how your legs feel all unstable and wonky but I know I havent walked no marathon unless you count from the bed to the bathroom….
ENOUGH whining… IT will work out. I go WEDNESDAY of this week for some test. They are gonna last like 5 hours. They are gonna hook alot of wires to my head to see if I can pick up cable on my eyeballs. I will let ya know how that works out. OH SOME GOOD NEWS! WE got into UAB to the MS specialist. It is not till the end of June but at least we got in. I cannot pronounce his name its alot of vowels. But some that I have talked to have heard of him. That made me feel better. I am still seeing my Rheumatologist on May 6th (lupus dr) so he can decide if he thinks the lesions and deterioration is possibly cns Lupus so they can decide and start treatment this summer. Thank you again for all your prayers. This has been a difficult hurry up and wait that is driving us all crazy. I just would like to be able to focus again and stop this shaking and numbness.

So anyway.. I did scrap.. It is getting better. Im still having troulbe with lines. They will look straight then ughmm they will be so far from straight you cant even call them crooked! They are good fill in pages and great pages for Bellas album but nothing I would consider submitting or using professionally. (if that is what you would even call what I did bwahahaha) Here is a fill-in page I did for Bellas book. I love this picture of her. SHe is such a pistol. She got a big girl bike for Christmas but she hasnt taken to it like she did the trike. I think it is because she doesn’t want to wear all the crash gear. They pad these kids now more than demolition derby racers. Its hot and I know that is why she doesnt ride as much. BUT.. she has to wear it. I wouldnt have some of the scars I have if I had worn crash gear growin up. HECK I NEED CRASH GEAR NOW just to walk across the room!!!
I used the new Basic Grey Archaic along with some Basic grey Lucky from an older line. I added the chipboard which is also made by Basic grey. SWEETIE font thats called. The large B is the Basic Grey monograms. I used some assorted Basic Grey buttons. Colorbox inks, Cosmic Cricket ribbon, and Rusty pickle chipboard stars.
You can get all that at the TTS STORE ( and at a fraction of the price other places sale it for so head on over. Tell em Bella bug sent ya ha ha.

Here is the card I did last week with my buddy Di’s Card sketch.
This is the Reminisce Live out loud line. Has very fun colors. Love this line.

I havn’t goten the mini album all ready to upload yet. I will do that in a day or so. IM exhausted. I have been watching the Deadliest catch marathon this weekend. John and Bella were putting her Swing set together she is getting for her Birthday. Well got for her birthday. Have I mentioned she is gonna be 5??? ughhh rips my heart I am tellin ya. She is on Spring Break this week. I think she thinks its a holiday like Christmas. SHe has been running around going “TOMORROW IS SPRING BREAK TOMORROW IS SPRING BREAK!!!” John took this week off since IM still having good and bad days and have my long appt on Wed. He also wants to get some house painting done. Depends on the weather.
He got part of the swing set put together today. He and Bella had a bandaid competition (to see who could come out of it with the most barbie bandaids) I think John is winning bless his heart. I have to say this is a cool swingset. She is gonna have alot of fun with it this summer I hope.
Hope you all have a good week.


First off I want to thank all of you that have been thinking of us and praying for us. I really do appreciate it. we still don’t know a whole lot. It is still a toss up between lupus cns (central nervous system?) and MS. BUT, HE is sending me to Birmingham to a dr at UAB who is the best in the southeast for MS Patients. He is who they send difficult cases to he said. He said he hated to put me on the medication that is 15,000 yes that is THOUSAND a year without them ruling out the lupus causing this. BUT, I tested positive for all the tests they give for MS. I have a Rheumatologist (lupus dr) appt on May 6th for them to look at my tests, and they are tryin to get me into UAB in Birmingham to the MS dude asap.

THe way he explained it to us… my central nervous system, the mylar (?) (I think that is what he called it?) that insulates your nerves… is deteriorating. There is nothing they can do to FIX IT.. but they can slow down the degeneration of it. BUT depending on if the lupus is causing it… that would be a different medication than if it was MS. SO now you know .. what we know. PRetty much not much lol so we are now praying for getting into UAB pretty soon!
I DO KNOW I am exhausted. Physically and mentally so Im gonna go catch a nap.
love and hugs

Today is the day…

My appt is at 10 am. so Hoping we get good news. I will let yall know what they said when I get home… fingers crossed and praying hard.
in the mean time I tried to scrap some to keep whats left of my brain busy haha.

This is from the Easter Egg Hunt at St Elmo church. BElla had such a great time. IM SOOOOO HAPPY Mrs Gloria invited us. I hated that I was too sick to go. Happy JOhn took lots of Pictures. VERY HAPPY Bella got to go and enjoy herself.

THis is the Basic grey Sultry line. I added an older sheet of Lollipop shoppe that kinda matched it so SEEE IM USING UP MY STASH. making rooom for all the news stuff aren’t those little crocheted flowers the cutest? YOu wait when she outgrows those pants… Im sooooo gonna take at least one if not all those off there… I know my mom would flip if she knew I did that but look how stinkin’ cute they are and I can put them in her scrapbook and say HEREEE are the flowers that were on those cuteeeee pants grammaw bought you!!! ITS gonna happen you just watch.
These products you can find at the TREASURES TO SCRAP STORE. ANd get this…. THese new basic grey papers… YOU CAN GET THEM 35% cheaper there than ANY PLACE ELSE! so SAVE YOUR MONEY and spend it on scrap stuff that is my motto. Everyone likes a deal so hey… here is a great place to start!!

I will post an edit when I get home to let you know all my test results and what the dr says. Hope you all have a great day.