whewew cool mail day

SHe sent the whole line of 3 bugs tickled pink wiht the cardstock tags as well some cute cute little bling circles some flourishes chipboard and ribbon eyelets and mm vintage hip sticker letters!!! I will show you a photo later IM knee deep looking for Bellas birth certificate right now… I had all that stuff together and put up then when Hurricane katrina came we took all of it and put it in a box and taped it up. NOW guess what… WE can’t find it AHHHH! SHe registers for School so I gotta find it. NO CLUE where it is. FOund mine and johns birth certificates and our marriage license etc. would think it would be with it. But nooooo. I have no clue . I have turned all these boxes inside out and gone through all kinda stuff and still NOPE not there. IT will turn up probably… when I dont need it anymore ;;SIGH:: well back to it.

AMERICAN IDOL is a lupus survivor

All of you I believe know the battle we have been fighting for years now with lupus sle/nephritis. I found this an amazing story and am definitly voting for this girl. KNOWING what I KNOW about this illness as a fellow sufferer for her to get on that stage under those lights and do what she is doing is A MAJOR ASTOUNDING accomplishment. So please read her story and think about it while watching Idol

Leslie Hunt Advances to the Top 20 American Idol Finalists

The lupus community is cheering for Leslie Hunt of Chicago, Illinois as she advances to yet another round of competition on American Idol. Hunt is now one of the top 20 finalists. She will perform again on Wednesday, February 28, and the Lupus Foundation of America urges everyone to tune in and vote for Leslie as she seeks to become the next American Idol.

Hunt was diagnosed with lupus at a young age and includes on her American Idol profile that living with the autoimmune disease was the toughest obstacle of her life. Now 24, she has a new passion for life and is taking a proactive approach to overcoming the limitations she experienced while growing up with lupus.

Leslie is making everyone who is touched by lupus very proud as they watch her on national television. Her efforts are creating plenty of goodwill among all who are greatly impacted by lupus and who struggle on a daily basis with the debilitating and disabling consequences of the disease. Best wishes to you, Leslie.

Read Leslie Hunt’s biography on the American Idol Web site

Read a Chicago Tribune article about Leslie

Remember to vote on Wednesday evening. Here’s how to vote for Leslie.

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PS: if you are a praying person even if your not please say a prayer tonight for Trevor and his family. (the co owner of treasures to scrap) Trevor is her son in law and is 30 years old and is in kidney failure. He is having complications and its not looking good. They are praying tonight for a miracle so please just remember them in your prayers please and also to bring comfort and peace to them. They are going through so much. It is so helpless to sit and watch someone you love sick and not be able to do anything. SO just keep them in your thoughts and prayers please. ALSO remember Traelyn and her daughter Gabby (we are having the auction for) they left for cincinatti yesterday I think it was or maybe this morning. This is another surgery for Gabby she is 4 years old. SO just remember all of them please.

Happy Birthday bro. AND still spinnin!

MY head is still spinning from all the WONDERFUL news I had this weekend. Im so excited to work on these new teams. I have been hard at it today working on projects for March. I forget February is a short month so I gotta get done with it now.
TOday is my BROTHERS Birthday. YOU ARE OLD just want to be sure you know that bro. Bella has been singing happy birthday to you allllllllllllllllll dayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy lonnnnnnnnnnnng. HOpe you have a good one and make time to count those gray hairs OH WAIT you only have 10 fingers and 10 toes so dont bother. hehehehehhehe muuuuah.

Tonight is the weekly chat over at Treasures To Scrap. We have a lot of fun and play some cool games. SHe gives out prizes too! SO you should stop in and say hi.
Tell em Nancy Sent ya!

Also excited about getting started at Chalet. We have busted our buns to get our numbers looking great and as of now they are at 80 for the top 100 scrapbook sites on the internet. HOW MUCH DOES THAT ROCK! Laura is so proud because her numbers have never looked better. I can’t wait to get started on the challenges! SO much fun!

I have all kinda ideas flying around must start writing them down.

Be sure and pop in to Jeanne’s blog and check out her word of the day.



“Without further ado, it is my pleasure to announce our NEW CREATIVE TEAM.. Let’s give a warm welcome to:

Chalet Creative Crew

*Jeanne* ~ Our Creative Team Coordinator
Leslie Ashe ~ Leslie
Isabelle Cipriani ~ Isabelle
Nancy Jones ~ Nancy
Vanilla ~ Michelle
Chelsea Giles ~ Chelsea
Volcano Girl ~ Heather
Mom2Zoe ~ Dena
KristenJo ~ Kristen
BeckyThackston ~ Becky

Card Creation Crew

Bonbitz ~ Jaci
Tropicalart77 ~ Tammy

In addition, I would also like to announce our
Guest Designers for the following 6 months:

March ~ Taylorsmom
April ~ Craft Girl
May ~ Amy Coose
June ~ Jozzie
July ~ Elizabeth
August ~ LAH924

Laura Gordon

WHew hewww good news on a friday

Here is another Layout I made with the Dasher line from Basic grey.

I have a secret I have a secret. I can’t tell it yet yall are gonna be excited!!!

BUT here is some news I CAN Share!! I got offered a design team position today for Treasures to Scrap. SO exciting! So many talented people over there and what a gorgeous site and store they have. Stop by and say hello if your in the neighborhood.
It has been a rather quiet day here. Have had a bad headache today. Think it is the weather. Going from 40 to 75 in a day doesn’t help. Hoping this doesnt spur on some storms that are headed this way.

Tonight we had a wonderful chat at The Chalet with Karen Russel who created the narratives line for Creative Imaginations. She is so talented and the BE and Narratives lines are just gorgeous eye candy. I got some of the paper and have yet decided which photo to put on it cuz well… IT is just too pretty to cut. I will have to stare at it a bit longer before I can even think of cutting this paper. DO you have papers like that in your stash?

This will be a scrappy weekend. Got projects due and lots of mo jo flowing. SO stand back while the paper is flyin.
Hope you have a great weekend.

MONDAY was a gorgeous day

MONDAY was a GORGEOUS day. My friend Annette here in Mobile and her 2 kids asked if we would go with them to the parade downtown. We had never gone to the parades before so bella was so excited. I told her id see cuz well yall know with all the health stuff that has been going on I am not supposed to be out alot. But JOhn said since it is outside and not alot of people crammed in a building it isnt as bad.I was so happy to get out. IT ws pretty and not too cold. WE had soooo much fun. I know back home they dont do much for mardi gras but here they shut down everything and downtown is covered kinda lik new orleans. IT is a huge party and celebration. People everywhere parades all day. School is closed. Like nothing you see back home. The parade was fabulous.SO much more than I expected.The floats were BEAUTIFUL. I was not expecting such professional realistic floats I was thinking oh they willput streamers on a trailer NO YOU WONT BELIEVE the FLOATS omg they were amazing. We had lunch at Pickle fish resteraunt (a YUMMY pizza Place) it was so fun. Bella loved it. I almost teared up several times looking at how happy she was. We dont get to go out and do alot so it was treasured moment definitly. I got to meet Gretchen and we also hit if off immediatly. I had actually met her a couple of times just not had realized it. She is so funny. We divided up the loot and still had to much it covered the table. We have those serpentine things all over the house today bella has been throwing themplaying parade. She walks her babies around in their shopping buggy and throws beads at her stuffed animals. SO FUNNY! SHe had soo much fun and just kept talking about it all day. We will definitly be planning to go more next year. I hope all the family can come down and see some of this you all would love it! We wanted to go back today but after taking my meds last night I was just too nauseaus and exhausted from all the fun we had yesterday.THere are alot more people at it today too and didnt want to take the chance of catching anything. I slept alot today and just finished up some things here at home.
I didn’t feel up to going to bunco tonight with Katrina. SORRY GIRL I slept till almost 7. Almost missed AMerican IDOL!! SO I totally wiped that one out. I will make it up to ya. I felt a little better then ate and well that didn’t work out well it started all over. Hopefully we can get together and scrap this weekend. That was pretty fun! Well my hubby is ready to watch the movie. Bella is all snuggled down asleep and im still exhausted. I think we walked 10 miles. IT was fun though. I will never forget that day. GOnna scrap it soon got my photos back today and man some awesome shots!!!
Hope yall had a great mardi gras.

Quote for today:
A man is likely to mind his own business when it is worth minding. When it is not he takes his mind off his own meaningless affairs by minding other people’s business.”
~ Eric Hoffer, The True Believer