Three bugs loved Bella.

Bella made the Three Bugs in a Rug Newletter whehew. Here is the link TOP Of page 3! IM stalking the mailman for my goody box they said it is on its way YIPEEEEEE!
We have all been Illin’ the sinus coughing sneezing crapp. Hope this goes away SOOOON! Gotta get back to work. Got alot of catchin’ up to do.

Over heard while Bella was taking a bath: I PLEDGE ALLEGIANCE TO the Flag, and by his hands we were kids, Thank you lord for daily Beds. IN Jesus name AMEN.

One little two little three little idiots, four little five little six little idiots seben little eight little nine little idiots TEn little idiot BOYSSSSSSSSSSS but not Brayden he is my friend.

Hope you all have a great day.

Sorry Greyson…

I know your gonna be mad at me when you see this layout.. but you were just so darn cute. How could you not wanna squeeze those little baby roll legs and pinch those cheeks? You were the cutest pirate EVERRRRRRR! SO what that your almost a double digit now… None of your friends read my blog anyway. Just some day when you go to get married I will pull this out at your wedding and say LOOK HOW STINKIN’ CUTE HE IS AS A PIRATE! ARN’T YOU GLAD your not MY KID!!! smooches!

Karen Foster is the Sponsor this month at TREASURES TO SCRAP.Be sure and stop by and check out the gallery. LOTS of Cool things being uploaded. BElla and her best friend Eva Caroline who lives across the street had so much fun digging in the dirt. They told me they were looking for treasures. Guido was assisting them so well by being their fierce protector and keeping them on track of where they needed to dig. Man he is a good babysitter huh? TOo bad he was teaching them to dig SO HE COULD TRY TO ESCAPE the backyard!! I know he is thinking just a few more inches and that pesky cat running loose in the neighbor hood is MINE!!!!!BWAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA. ANyway be sure and check out the rest of the fun stuff we have uploaded in the Sponsor Gallery at Treasures To Scrap 🙂 ps: if you wanna read the journaling just click on the image and you will see a larger page that has the little story on it. It’s pretty funny.

Sorry I havn’t updated my blog have not been doing well but then yall all know about the kidneys 😦 anyway huh… so just keep us in your prayers. Thanks xoxoxox

it lives

Did you think I left you guys? sorry ’bout that. ohhh about 9ish pm Saturday night I had not felt good and slept most of the evening. IT had been a great day. We went to Tara’s and played with Braydon. Bella had soooo much fun. WE had come home I got some cleaning done, John went to Wal mart for me with Bella and did the shopping. I laid down for a bit, rolled over and when I did it literally woke me up. Our Neighbor, who is a nurse, came over and looked at me. mushed on my side to see what was swollen etc. Said “go your butt to er” cuz we really thought it was appendix. Got there, man they didn’t waste any time I went straight in the back they pushed me through and had an iv in me before John had the car parked good. They put that iv in me and kicked it on hi, within 30 minutes UGHHHH! I thought I was in labor. OWWW! SO yes I gave birth to we think 3 little rocks to add to my collection. Gonna have a rock group here before long. SO THAT is where I have been. Its all good now, feeling much better. Just have to re-adjust my diet ONCE again and take it easy. DRINK MORE water, yeah yeah, I KNOW but man, I hate to drink just plain water and can’t have artificial sweetner so it is like major mayhem.

We have alot going on at TREASURES TO SCRAP you MUST come see. WE are growing like a weed over here with fertilizer on it. The site is jumping in the numbers. Karen Foster is our sponsor this month. HEre are 2 really quick pages I got done in between all the other stuff going on.The first one is my nephew Zach when he was in Kindergarten. seems so long ago now. Im sure he will LOVE ME for putting this up on my blog. HE is now a teen ager and I know how much this would cramp his style. Sorry Zach. Least they weren’t baby photos of you in diapers!!
This one is the plaque hung in my daddys honor, at the policeman’s hall of fame in Miami, Florida. Yall pray for our family this month by the way. The 28th of this month, is the anniversary of his death in line of duty. We know years have passed but to us this was still my daddy, my brothers daddy, My mom’s husband, a person that was loved by our family. We miss him so very much and not a day goes by we don’t hurt from this horrible event. To us it could have been yesterday… so anyway Thank you for remembering us especially my mom that day.

I am still working on mini books. Im so behind I have alot to catch up on. The baby book Is almost done for Bella’s teacher. Her son and his wife just had TWINS a boy and a girl. I really hope she enjoys this little book as much as I enjoyed making it for her. She is just a joy to these children in Bella’s class. She comes home every day talking about her and how much she just loves her teacher. THis makes me SOOOO happy! I cannot wait to see this with photos of them inside. I will have a sample for that going up soon.

Bella is LOVING SCHOOL! She even has a boy friend!! (John cringes at the thought) BUT they are so cute. The little boy we had the play date with Saturday, Braydon. His mom works with John. They live just down a few houses from us. They are such nice folks. Braydon is the cutest thing ever. I will have to post some pics of them soon.

I sent in my final page for Scrapbook Lifestyles Stylin Idol. THIS IS THE FINAL SHABANG. AHHHHH! Im so nervous. I worked very hard on my page. WAIT till you hear what our challenge was! OMGOSH it was definitly a challenge. BUT I had soo much fun with it. Thank GOD I had it almost done before the kidney stone incident. So be sure and check that out once she has that all posted. There are some AMAAZIIINGGGG scrappers in this competition. CANNOT BELIEVEEE my name is up there with them. So I feel a little out of place. IM more like the country bumpkin that brought he great big squash to the county fair amongst all of these ladies. I have to tell you though, Im just happy to still be in the finals lol. Great friends great people, scrapping our babies.. what more could you ask for!!
Hope you all have a great day I have Bella’s uniforms washing. Then I will Iron. YES I KNOW but I cannot let her go to school in this little uniform and it be all wrinkly. I may not get alot of things done but SHE WILL be pressed. I was in bed for a couple of days and I asked John did you iron her uniform (why did I ask? I KNEW better) He said OH they dont care about that. OMGOSH I CARE about that. YEAH I KNOW its a mommy thing. But right now she only has 2 of the little jumpers since the rest haven’t come in yet that are back ordered.. (reminds me to call today see if they are in yet) so we have to wear one wash one… FUN! IT is too hot to wear the little pants and stuff so we go with the jumper. BElla likes the dress better anyway. She is such a little girl hehe.
OK I am really out of here Time to get her movin and ready for school! XOXOXOOXOX

The photos from yesterday…

Here are the photos from yesterday that BLOGGER wouldn’t let me load grrrr.
A busy Saturday here. We went to our friend Tara’s house this morning to play. Her little boy is in Bella’s class. He is sooo dadgum cute. They had a big time. It is just SOOOO hot outside. JOhn and Bella went shopping for me at Wal mart and got what we call “big groceries” YOu know how you stock up on stuff. Well they did that. I cleaned up some around here and did laundry but wasn’t feeling great so Layed down for a while. That did make me feel LOTS better so IM back at it getting laundry done and cleaning. SO not gonna break my progress and get back to it. Just wanted to show these photos from yesterdays blog post that blogger was being such a pain and not letting me show!! Ta ta for now!!

Bella at her little desk (is this not the cutest ever!)
This is Bella’s Teacher. Bella loves her so much. I can see why. She is just so sweet and loves those kids so much. She truly is one of those people you just see the Joy they have for life. I just love people like that.


HOW CUTE IS THIS LITTLE DESK? (and what’t in it) I know yall are probly sick of seeing all my school photos Im taking. BUT I have to say THIS IS SO FUN. She is having a blast and LOVES Her teacher so much. I can so understand why. She really does love those kids and has so much fun with them. YOu can just see her joy. I just love people like that. You know the ones… You can’t help but smile when your around them. She is so like that and you can tell those children just love her. I feel so good about this school and what she is doing there. Although I think I screwed up in car line today.. Im a total goof and still don’t know what Im doing HA! But will get in the routine soon I hope.

IM slaving away working on my page for the finals at scrapbook lifestyle’s Stylin’ Idol contest. Im already so nervous ::insert nail biting smiley here:: BUT I HAVE to say THIS IS SOOOO MUCH STINKIN FUN!!!! I have had So much fun doing these challenges. I cannot BELIEVE Im still in this contest. SO many amazing scrappers in this and then there is ME ha! I say grace of God and a little luck IM still in there. I may not win this thing but I can sure tell you I HAVE HAD A TOTAL BLAST. Met some COOL people with MASSIVE skillz. Had some AMAZING well thought challenges that made me get down and dirty (especially the paint one I think I was giggling most of the time I was painting I had it everywhere) THis time IS NOOO different. IM putting alot of hours in this page. again I may not win but man I think It is one of my most favorite. I always hated contests and never did them.. but I have done 2 in the last year and I have gotten some AMAZING pages from both contests I have to admit I AM SO GLAD I DID.

Anyway.. it is time for Supper around here and I dont smell anything cooking so I reckon John must be tired. HE does alot of our cooking since he just enjoys cooking so much. ::ducks because I KNOW he is gonna throw something at me when he reads this::
He has been on vacation and has painted the house in between rain storms. Weeded the landscaping and done all kinda yard work. I tell you JUST watch NEXT week it will be sunny and beautiful EVERY DAY. IT has been SO HOT and then those afternoon lightning and thunderstorms have been horrid. IT has rain rain rained but IT is SOOO stinkin hot and well we needed the rain. OK really going to go fix some supper now before my family comes in here and wheels my chair out.
BYEEE have a great weekend!

ps: I dont know WHY my photos are not showing up I will try again to put them up in a bit. YOU HAVE to see this little desk with her sitting in it OMGOSH gonna be the CUTEST layout EVERRRRR. I am sure her teacher thinks Im nuttier than I am since I keep walking around there with a camera. Bella is so used to it she just stands there and smiles like GET IT OVER WITH MOM! hehe OK IM GOING IM GOING!

ITS hereeee….

WEll, TODAYS THE DAY. Bellas FIRST DAY OF PRE K. I know I KNOW it doesn’t seem like a big deal to alot of people but SHE Is taking this SOOOO seriously. SHe is in big school now. Goes all day EVEN HAS HOME WORK. IN the first 6 weeks even.. They are starting phonics. MY BABY IS GONNA BE ABLE TO READ! SHE is so pumped about that. She does know a couple site words already but I don’t really know the phonics way of teaching so I guess IM losing out on it. SO we will learn this together as she learns i suppose. BUT she is all ready. Her back pack all packed. Uniform all pressed and set out. She packed enough snack to feed I think herself for the next two weeks. I told her she WOULD be coming back home! She didnt need ALL that. SHe is so excited about getting to wear her back pack. I DONT THINK that she REALLY needs it actually looking at the class room and stuff. But she is SOOO convinced she has to have it.
SHe loves her teacher she talked about her all night last night on the way home and has talked about her today. Saying how pretty she is and she is smart too! (I told her I bet she is smart because you have to be VERY smart to be a teacher) SHe said THAT Is because she is VERY SMART.. THAT is why they made her a teacher mommy! Like I was a big ol dummy for thinking. She didn’t even fuss about going to bed tonight she was so excited she gets to go to school.
I hope her teacher doesn’t think IM a total loon tomorrow when paparazzi mom pops out the camera and takes 10 thousand pictures while crying my eyes out that my baby is actually BIG ENOUGH to go to school.
I know you think pre K whats to it but IM telling you they have these little tiny desks that are just so unbelievably cute (I WANT ONE TO ALTER) and the bulletin boards, they have a curricullum. It is AMAZINGGG what they learn so early now. Bella has been out of that environment for the last year with all my health crapp. IM SO HAPPY AND EXCITED FOR HER to get to go back now. she is going to have so much fun and have so much to do and see. SUCH a wonderful adventure to start. Im so proud of her and so sad at the same time. She is my only one so I have to relish each second of this. so yeah there will probly be 40 scrapbook pages of her first day of school…. but that is ok. She can not say ever that her life is not well documented if anything else. I HAVE the proof. ha! I am looking forward to being able to get the things done I need to get done. I have to get this routine down. IM so frantic worried Im going to be that ONE PARENT that gets the entire class a note sent home ha! I dont want to foul this up. I know I stress over the rules and stuff too much but, I know how hard it has to be dealing with that many children their parents and God forbid any of them have STEP anything… Just want it to be easy on them as well. so anyway.. I will be back later with a ton of photos to bore you with but when yall see these tiny desks and how cute she is in this uniform. I totally melted. You will see why Im crying happy tears. xoxoxox

OH!! I amost forgot! LOOK for my mini album I did on my dad I know yall have seen it. The one out of the cardboard that has all the antique photos of my dad in it (my brother has one i made him for Christmas identical to it) IT is being published in Somerset Studio Magazine (formerly known as Legacy) so how exciting is that! I also hear I have an entire page in the next Hobby Lobby Magazine. Im so interested to see it and how she has it arranged. They are so cool with that magazine and so savvy with how they put it together. All of that just amazes and interests me. OK I REALLY have to go to bed. gotta get my camera all charged up!! so exciting!!