here are those christmas photos i keep forgetting

Sorry. I have been horrible about the photos this year. I uploaded them to wal greens and told everyone heres the addess and password GO PRINT WHAT YOU WANT… is that so wrong? nahhhh.. that way everyone gets the photos they want… anyway.. I guess yall wanna see the haul huh.. you can see JUST HOW ROTTEN my child realllly is rofl.

WE had alot of fun at Aunt Liz and Uncle Ty’s house . This is the 2006 family ornament. The dog/ferret rodeo and the kids opened their gifts. SHe got 3 Stuart little movies that she says stuart little looks JUST LIKE DAISY so she calls them the DAISY movies (daisy is the ferret you see riding the dog waldo in the above photo) SHE also got her very OWN scrapbook to fill up!

Then we went to Uncle windale and Aunt Karen’s (and taz and Marlee’s house, that is marlee anxiously watching Bella) and she redecorated their tree for them. They spoiled her and Grandma and all her cousins even more. (Uncle WIndale spoiled me by making me my FAVORITE stuffed bell peppers (kasi’s favorite too) instead of the usual christmas dinner) She got the Leap pad reader system and several of the books she LOVEs that thing. and the 12 dancing princess tea set (she LOOOVES the 12 dancing princess’s by the way) and grandma got her the cinderella barbie doll THe little mermaid movie on dvd and some other things I didnt get to see cuz she kept running off with it.

ANd she played with the puppy and showed her the sign on her house.Bella opened lots of gifts there too. And got this cinderella doll she LOVES and sleeps with from grandma. Here is her stocking.. it was SOOO FULLL santa couldnt fit everythign in it, IT was spilling over onto her presents! SHe was so excited!

Santa found his way to Nana’s House and left an OBSCENE amount of gifts from EVERYTHING of the 12 dancing princess’s (she loves the movie and had to have like everything she saw 12 dancing princess even the PRINCE DERRICK with the 12 sets of dancing shoes that John calls broke back mountain barbie cuz he has swively hips and a zuit suit on… it is something to behold im telling you) to the bella dancerella ballet studio, make up (a girl has to have her lipstick and nails painted and dry.of course…, she got lots of movies, a dvd player that is dora the explorer, barbie dolls, cinderella dolls, an elmo aqua doodle mat, a hop ball that has dora on it, and I dont even remember what all else it was a ton of stuff LOTS OF CLOTHES that she needed… she got a lovely 12 dancing princess dress from papa the hop ball was from papa and nana too.. She got an ariel head that you fix its hair (that was funny cuz she kept telling everyone that santa brought her ariels head for christmas…. that was pretty funny) Santa must have thought she was a pretty good girl! HE EVEN left her the v smile system and dance mat and 3 movies back at our house.. we think he must have gone there, realised there were no cookies and milk and made his way to nana’s.
SHe had a great time opening her presents and had a wonderful, way too much christmas. THANK YOU to Santa for all he and mrs clause did this year for her, and well for us too. SHe is so thankful and excited and has worn that hop ball (and my patience) just about out ::wink::I was pretty sick with my kidneys all through Christmas so I want to especially thank all of our family for all they did helping us get Christmas done this year. NO way I could have done all that We love you and thank you more than you ever will know. SMOOCHES and HUGS!

Out with the old… hey! Wait a minute!

I think IM starting to resemble that remark… WHen did I GET SO DANG OLD?! This elsucko’s man! 36 didnt feel quite so bad I didnt look at it as 4 more years to 40 but why is the fact Im about to be 37 buggin me so bad… 40 is getting closer like its a cartoon and chasing me through life here.. WHats the big deal! I can remember when I used to think that 30 was ancient.. Now I think ahhhh IF I could just be 30 or ….. stand up after sitting with out my body sounding like a fireworks demonstration. Whats that about anyway! I NOW see why the lord makes you more fertile when you are in your younger years… cuz when you are 36 almost 37 and have 3 year old your too dang tired to chase em. Thank GOD for tv and video games to rot their brains huh! NOooo not my kid.. she wont watch tv or play much video games or anything much she wants 100% interaction with mommy or daddy…. YEAh.. That is ok these days will pass WAY TOO fast and as I use my social security check (if there is such a thing anymore) to help pay her college tuition….. maybe she will push my chair to the front of the line and pat me on the head and roll me to a scenic location to whistle at hot college boys.

SO what are you doing this lovely night as it is Rain rain raining and windy here?
I will post some layouts as soon as I can. They are a surprise for the dt’s Im on for the kit and also THAT sponsor for January but OMGOSH THEY ARE SO FINE! I LOVE these papers you are gonna be so Jealin when you see them but dont be jealous for long run dont walk to ICS and SCrap That moment and purchase them. THEN You tooo can be having as much fun as me (and my old butt)
See ya tomorrow 🙂


Remember me telling you about the ferret rodeo we saw at my sister in laws house. THis poor dog. Waldo. he is my sister in laws dog. He is 900 years old and is deaf. well he is sitting there MINDING HIS OWN BUSINESS chillin’ and what come LEAPING around the corner like a flying squirrel and lands on him ready to ride?????
ITs a bird its a plane its……. DAISY THE RODEO FERRET! Seeing if she can hang on for 8 seconds YIPEEEEEE. As waldo is saying GET OFF ME YOU RODENT BEFORE I EAT YOU!
ahhhh redneck entertainment at its finest.

Reflecting on 2006

Since we are about to embark on a new year I wanted us to reflect on 2006 and see just what did we accomplish this year? I know for me it has been health wise a very stressful year but it has not gone without its successes either.
TO make goals for ourselves for 2007 we must look at what we did in 2006. I know one of my goals I wanted was to be published in a mainstream magazine/idea book. Which I had a small victory for 2006 for a local well I say local it is national in the south east Hobby lobby magazine and several online magazines. I did get published in scrapbook trends but it wont be out till 2007.. so I guess I really cant list that for 06 can I? Alot of people ask how did you reach this goal. There are several things that have to be done and realistically have to be done if this is what you want to do. FIRST thing is look at your photography. Think like a magazine. when you look at the photos on the scrapbook pages what do you see. You see the PERSON or the focal image and THATS IT. If you look at your photos and you see clutter in the background a wide angle that shows laundry, access furniture, alot of other people that have nothign to do with the theme of the photo its out of focus or at a bad angle then your starting out with unpublishable. Now alot of you may argue with me cuz yes there are calls out there for pages with NON Perfect photos but lets face it people. grab you a scrapbooking magazine.. what do you see in the photos.. I rest my case. I made a point to get a better camera and work on my photography skills. I asked lots of questions and looked at the people that were being published. what were they doing that I wasnt.
Follow your own method.. In scrapping develop your own style and polish it. I did this by getting someone I really respect that is an amazing scrapper/artist and get her to critique my work. Most people will be glad to do this but be warned. YOU MUST be prepared for the good and the bad. Remember YOU ASKED to get help so get on your big girl panties and deal with the constructive criticism or either DONT ASK. By doing this I was able to pick up those little tips that help you get the edge on your layouts to make them polished and more noticeable. You have to make your work stand out from the other 500 that are sent in every month.
Watch for the pub calls and submit regularly. Just because you are turned down once KEEP TRYING dont give up. ALot of times they may like your work but they want to see that you can continually give them quality work. WHY ELSE do you see the same people over and over in the magazines.. They want dependable people they can call and say I need one more page that is on this subject WHat do you have… that is the reality of it people. Now not all magazines are this way but most of them are. At least what I have seen. The more you scrap and look around at your personal goals and the more you try to focus on them the easier it will get.
Start with baby steps. Get published on a local front first at a local scrapbook store or an online design team. It will help you get practise and get the motivation to get those pages done and also have you working with the latest greatest product. Sorry but it is hard to get published with last years paper. Manufacturers want to sell what they are spending their money to produce RIGHT NOW. so you need to use whats hot. what you see advertising. say if in one magazine you never see a certain brand advertise… DONt use primarily that brand on your page to submit. look through the magazine what products are the sponsors and what products are in the ads. Use primarily that product. You always scrap a season ahead also.. It is crazy to do but that is what is published. Magazines are always a month ahead.
NOW I AM NOT AN EXPERT by any means on this. THese are just the tips I have picked up along the way to try to accomplish my goals. I thought it may make someone else stop and look at their work and re evaluate what they are doing and help them attain their goals.
I also spent alot more time with my family in 2006. Whether I wanted to or not haha just kidding. I stayed sick in 2006 between kidneys and female issues which they think caused all the other problems it is amazing what ones ovaries can cause to go wrong with the rest of your body. Im really really trying to focus on getting healthy in 2007. Not only for me but for my family. Bella needs me here with her and John needs me to help him raise her. WE got into this marriage together and we planned our daughter toghether.. so I want us to raise her the same way. Together. so I gotta get healthy. Whatever it takes.. if it is running my butt up and down the road every day with a big old mean dog chasing me then fine Ill have to do that. If it is juicing all the nasty veggies I hate and holding my nose and swallowing them hard.. then I guess that is what I will have to do. BUT I have to get healthy for all of our sakes. 2006 was rough on us physically mentally and still financially so we have to do this for all those reasons.
Get my baby FULLY POTTY TRAINED. WHy is this the hardest thing about being 3. WE have good days we have bad days. Bless her heart. She just is so busy with her life and her day that taking 2 minutes to potty is just such a waste of her time. IF we ever get FULLY potty trained Im gonna jump for joy! I did accomplish in 2006 getting her out of the pullups into big girl panties. Now to just keep em dry that will be for 07 haha!

I made some mistakes in 06 alot of them. Don’t we all. BUt Im learning from them. Im growing from them and trying not to make the same ones again. Isn’t that what it is all about? I have made alot of new friends that I love to pieces in 06 and I thank God for them. I plan to spend more time with them and at church and with my family in 07. I have alot of goals to reach and a few are harder alot harder than the goals I set for 06 but I will try hard to reach them. I have to set a plan in action and get on it one by one. I hope you can reflect in the coming days on your 06 and see just what you have accomplished and what maybe you need to work on. It feels so good to see it on paper and to mark somethign off your list as complete. BUT you must write downt he ones that didnt work out so well to that way we stay realistic. CELEBRATE your victorys learn from your mistakes and try to over come them. That is all we can do right?
I leave you today with some of My favorite pages Of 06 that I did I see Bella growing up so much. I m gonna start with one I did in 06 of us in 05 bella looks so tiny.

I am so thankful for the friends I have made in 06 and look forward to spending more time with them in 07. WHat are your accomplishments for 06? Tell me about them? How will those help you get your goals in 07 done? Blog about them and link us to them so we can see 🙂 Hope you have a great day today and I hope everyone is feeling better too many people are el sicko right now 🙂 hugs From one of the el sicko’s haha.

happy day after!

Happy to be home… but I feel sorry for whomever decides to pick up trash in Mendenhall Mississippi. If yall are out and see wal mart bags and target bags on the side of the road.. .DONT PICK EM UP! Or if you do DONT LOOK INSIDE! I got sick all the way home yesterday. I took my medicine and thought i had eaten enough. WELL… WRONG. we got almost to Mendenhall and here we go. JOhn did the jump a lane cross traffic wheel sideways into a sideroad kick the door open and scream DONT GET IT IN THE CAR as I hurled into a wal mart bag. Bella is screaming WHY YOU GOIN YUCKY MOMMY YOU SICK? YOU NOT FEEL GOOD? DID YOU EAT SOMETHING? MOMMY YOU SICK? MOMMY .. MOMMY MOMMMYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY! Huh huh? are ya? Im going blah Im ok blahh ha ha Bella its ok blahhh dont cry mommys fine blahhhhh.
He finally found a gas station open and pulled in I guess the little HE SHE that was running it could tell houston we have a problem he helped us get inside to the bathroom and clean me up. It was horrible im telling you. I was sooo embarrassed. But we survived and I got home passed out and felt much better today. (Thank you GOD)
I have another dr appt. tomorrow so we can see what my test results are and let him check my kidney function and stuff. IM pretty sure it was the fact I didnt eat enough witha ll that was going on Christmas morning. You have to eat good and I dont mean just a donut you have to eat like a meal or you get sick with this stupid stuff.
Anywho.. we went to target because they had those cubes on sale for 20 bucks so I got me 4 more cuz John had me one under the tree and I had bought one earlier with a gift certificate we had from something I cant remember now… so now I have 6 I need 2 more but they didnt have the one I wanted so we are going to try another target tomorrow. IF THEY dont have it I will ahve to order it online and I DONT want to cuz the shipping will be awful cuz them thangs are HEAVY! BUt they look soooo cool! I am so excited to get my scrap room fixed all pretty. My father in law totally surprised me I mean knocked me off my feet surprised me with another one of the stamp shelves like he made me last year. I am so happy about it! NOW I can put all my paint up there on the bottom shelves and the other stamps I have at the top. I kept joking that I needed to go buy more stamps so I could fill it up hahahaha! I am so proud of it.
Every one seemed to enjoy their home made gifts that I had gotten to make. I still have some things I didnt get done but Im exhausted. My mom came today with the stuff that wouldnt fit in our car and to help watch Bella while I go for this scan tomorrow and dr appt. well I need to go crash IM exhausted. Yall take care. I will have photos tomorrow whewewew! I am uploading all 479 now so when it is all done I can add a few to blogger. bella was so funny she has been bouncing around on that hop ball all day. OK Im off here toodles

Merry Christmas

Fa la la la laaaa ITS FREAKIN COLD in Mississippi people. Just in case yall didn’t know. IM READY TO GO HOME! Where it is warm. TO MY OWN BED. IN MY OWN HOUSE. I have had almost enough holiday joy to last till next year. I hate temp drops. Any one that knows anything about lupus or arthritic conditions knows that temp drops mean OW(and makes me to say the least grumpy and lackin in holiday joy .(add kidney issues to that and you have pure hell in a prescription bottle) I feel like i am 90 and can’t move. Its raining too. falalalalaa Bella is so full of energy and excitement and cannot wait till santa brings her gifts…. I cant wait either cuz then WE GET TO GO HOME! I love my family. I love Johns family BUT I REALLY THINK I COULD LOVE THEM BETTER IN ALABAMA right now. Im ready to TIME warp back to alabama…We did have a great time while we have been here. We had fun at Liz’s, bella played with the boys and chased the rat I mean ferret all over the place.. when it wasnt busy doing a pulitzer prize non parachute jump onto the dog, waldo’s back WHOM was not appreciative in the least…. seeing if it could hold on for 8 seconds as the terrified as hell dog goes barrelling through the house trying to figure out what the heck just fell out of the sky and landed on his back.. This dog is like 900 years old and is deaf by the way… which is good cuz he cant hear daisy the rat I mean ferret screaming YIPPEKIYAAAA *&^^^^((**** as she bronco rides his back. That was redneck entertainment people and EVEN MORE FUN on darvocet Im telling you.
we went last night to my brothers house and had THE BEST christmas meal of all times. MY ABSOLUTE most favorite thing IN THE WORLD stuffed bell peppers but NOT JUST ANY stuffed bell peppers but My brothers stuffed bell peppers. MAN them thangs are good. IF I HAD KNOWN we were having them Id have woke bellas butt up earlier and drug her even more grumpy self over to have them, but that is ok cuz ON MAMA Time we had to wait a half hour anyway. (yall who dont know my mother will soon learn the woman is NEVER on time for anything in her life will be late when the lord comes back cuz she would be scared her shoes werent matching her outfit or have to “run a comb through her hair” (?) sounds like something done to ones lawn not a grooming technique if you ask me (love you mom) and IT held up my eating process so I was not pleased. BUT no one suffered much loss.
They have the knew hell hound marlee who is cute as can be she is a shit zoo (mama pick up your jaw I SAID ZOO on the end of it I know your forehead just hit the computer screen witha bolt cuz You figure someone in the family just saw me say SHIT ZOO online and you think I will burn for it but ma it will be ok I promise cuz that is REALLY the kinda dog it is…) Bella kept asking if it had eyes…
cuz it is like a little dust shoe looking thing… And all it’s hair is in its face and you cannot literally see its eyes.. she would examine it in every direction tyring to figure out which way was the front on it and then just shrug. THE little dog is so stinkin cute though I must tell y a. Taz (their spitz hey ma I SAID SPITZ that is reallly what kind of dog it is too) didnt seem to appreciate her much but he tolerated her living in his space a little bit. I think he is happy to have someone else for my brother to terrorize besides him. Bella had a great time and got a ton of toys as usual NO not spoiled at all. She had a great time touching EVERY SINGLE one of Aunt karens hallmark limited edition ornaments that play music and do all kinda crapp that I could never replace if she broke. My heart kept switching sides as she played them each. BUt she did have a grand time. We got the coolest gift from them. a fire pit which means WE CAN SET STUFF ON FIRE NOW hehehehe beware fellow alabamians we have fire pit. Our weekends will consist of seeing now JUST how much you can burn and how hi the flame can get before one calls the fire department…. in the city limits when there is a burn ban DO NOT FEAR we HAVE A FIRE PIT now. We are way tooo excited about this we have a beautiful fire place which we love BUT CANNOT USE because our child cannot breathe when we do SO NOW we can use this outside!!! I know John has wanted one for so long and I have to say IT iS ROCKIN COOL! It is the coolest thing ever!!!! The down side… the company shipped the wrong one so we have to wait to make fire cuz we have to send this one back and get the way even cooler one that they originally paid to much for, I mean got, cuz they ripped em off by 150 bucks and iF You know us …..THEN YOU KNOW Oh heck no… that aint gonna happen!!! WE shall declare war against that company and get the one we are supposed to , a refund or a even better fire makin pit by gosh… we have a cease fire (hahahaha get it Cease FIRE) in progress until the correct one arrives… THEREFORE yall are all still safe for now.. step away from the fire extinguishers. BUT BE WARNED it is gonna happen soon hehehehhee.
My mom gave me a BEAUTIFUL crispy un named forthe main reason… cuz my husband dont need to know ,sum of money for me to spend on scrapbook stuff! (it had a note saying this is to be used on scrapbook stuff ONLY!!!! I SAVED IT!!) SO YALL BEWARE Tuesday I shall be armed with cash! Yeah she gave me double too cuz my birthday is Jan 1st ( I will pause so you all can write that down cuz I KNOW you will not want to forget that and all the things that were on my christmas list I didnt get I will be sure to let you know … so you can get the appropriate gifts hehehehhee )
I really am happy mama did that cuz I have a few things I must have and we spent the last of our money time warping to Mississippi for the holiday… SO NOW NOTHING stands in my way but mileage. Well Bella is nestled all snug in bed for the moment and IM SURE she will be up to see if the fat dude in red has come to bombard her with THE TON OF TOYS I suspect that is in the living room as we speak, guarded by a short loveable yet determined grandma who is armed with a kodak easy share. I saw her camped out on the couch so she wouldnt miss the grand entrance of mini me. BY THE WAY stay tuned tomorrow to hear the tale of how my mother is also NOW ARMED with a digital camera…. THIS MY FRIENDS is gonna be an adventure ( I will explain more later but if you ever remember me telling you about my mom and the computer,,, when she received a notable spam email about certain ughmmm embelishments to help endow a man.and she couldnt figure out WHY ON EARTH someone would dare send her such a thing cuz she is a good christian woman and such garbage would never be acceptable for her to see better yet read (yet she read the entire email to me over the phone spelling the words she considered ugly instead of saying them cuz that is not NEAR as bad and god will not write that down in his big book if you spell it instead of say them) ….. YOU WILL think this is freakin hysterical I PROMISE!) STAY tuned we are on our way home tomorrow and I WILL HAVE a ton of photos to bombard and bore you to tears with…. still wishin I had the ferret /waldo rodeo on film for yall to see that ws priceless. I am on my mother in law (whom I love dearly but hate this freaking laptop she has.sorry mom it is more useful as a boat anchor we need to get you a better computer and if this is hi speed internet teh squirrels need to run faster on that little wheel cuz this is taking for flippin ever to load…. lord help us all… I know i forget where we are at… nowhereville yes I lived here for 34 years I remember this place but we live in the big there city of MOBILE now and got spoiled to finer things in life like…. HI SPEED INTERNET. I feel like we time warped.
SO MERRY CHRISTMAS YALL and thank GOD we are going home tomorrow and remember to Pray for my nephew Adam… He will have the pleasure of teaching my mom how to work her new digital camera…….. He will hate us all forever Im sure.but he will receive a huge shiny crown in heaven just for this task i PROMISE YOUR ON THE GOOD LIST DUDE! MUAH!

Shhhh! it’s a surprise.

I made this little mini book for my hubby. He is so cute. I think he will enjoy it.
Mind you it is not pub quality just a happy thing I did and spur of the moment, 3 hours total little book from scratch. I get asked all the time How I make these little books and they are SOOOOO SIMPLE you would just SOOOO slap yourself silly thinkin’ its hard! SO here are the instructions.. Hope they make sense:

You take a sheet of chipboard like the kind that comes with the 12 x 12 packs of paper or on the back of the scrap pads. I get them in shipments sometimes to when they dont want my paper to bend. I save them just for this! Cut you a 6 wide by 12 strip. Then cut it in half so you have 2, 6 x 6 pieces. Cut you a sheet of paper you want to cover it with… 7 x 7 and wrap it over like a present (make sense you with me so far? (i use redline to adhere the paper to the chipboard so it will stick good especially if it is like basic grey or thick paper like cosmo cricket which is what I used here)

Take you 2 sheets of cardstock in coordinating colors or the same color. cut them in half (6 x 12 strip) then trim off an inch to make it 5 x 11 (does that make sense? EACH SHEET) fold it in half so it is like a little book (i ussually will trim the edge just a little more when I fold it over so the middle ones dont stick out but I do it after I bind the book… so it is even make sense?) (yess stack them all together and fold) I then take my handy dandy cropodile thing that is the best thing since sliced bread. EVAH!!!! Use the little hole punch and make it where its as far as it will go in length. punch you a hole as far in the crease going up and down on both sides up and down …. so you have 2 holes. (you can do all the sheets at one time should be 4) Then I take ribbon and start on the inside go in one hole out the other and then even it up then go BACK THROUGH the opposite holes again. Then tie on the outside in a little bow. Take your chipboard you covered… Glue the cover on the front of the book and on the back of the book (I use redline adhesive and I dont get stengy with it I use alot so it will hold up and be sure you want it where you stick it cuz it will be a mess if you have to pull it up.. YOu may wanna try it with some removeable adhesive first time then use the redline)

I like to then add a sheet of coordinating patterned paper and cover over the inside where the cover is glued to it so it is a smooth line and all pretty (makes it a little stronger too) OK now here is the one I made maybe it will make sense now.

I used the cosmo cricket jitterbug line and just a bunch of assorted scrap crapp i have in my scrap room to go on it. I didnt make it really fancy its kinda simple but they are so cute to give as little happys! I know they make me happy! what about you? I made a little christmas one and gave it to my friend Katrina… I hope she likes it. She seemed to. SOrry I didnt scan that one. Well I need to go finish washing clothes and get finished packing. we are headed out to the in laws for christmas. Yall have a merry christmas! I am sure I will be checkin in on yall! WITH PHOTOS oh wait I dont have my cable thingy on that laptop to upload crud. Well Ill bombard yall with pics when I get back SO THERE! SMOOCHIES!

scrap scrap scrap WRAP WRAP WRAP AHHHHH!

I have been scrappin my heart out folks. getting these last minute Christmas gifts made. DONT EVER GET SICK BEFORE CHRISTMAS it ain’t fun catching up IM TELLIN YA! BEtween that and the 5 Layouts I gotta do for stm and the layouts I gotta do for Ics Im about to totally wig. BUT LOOK AT THIS SNEAK PEAK at the christmas gift I made my sister In law (my brothers wife NO LIZ THIS ISNT YOURS hehehe sorry) Karen probably won’t look at my blog before christmas so Im safe showing it hehehe. IF she does look by gosh YOU BETTER ACT SURPRISED when you open that blame box!!! anyway here is a peak for yall.
That is just a peak. I dont have any more photos of the doggys so I didnt put them in.. it is a chipboard book by maya road (LOVE THESE) I got it from SCRAPPERS BLISS. A while back to make a different book with but ended up making this instead which it was perfect for. Karen loves her furr babys. The first one Marlee is the newest Hellhound I mean addition. SHe is a pistol to say the least. Taz is the other one they have who is a spastic yet loveable pooch. I didnt have any more photos so Im gonna trust she will add more to it herself (PLEASE)
SO I hope she likes this. I spent alot of time on it and went everywhere looking for embelishments lol some came from oklahoma some from washington so hey! I hope she likes 🙂
I will show more of the other things I did later but I gotta go wrap more presents. I am charging the battery in Bella’s portable dvd player now getting it ready to go. I have wrapped the V tech V smile and gym mat (that is gonna be fun) and her giggle faces mask. She is getting the BELLA BALLERINA dance studio thing too.. SO I can see it now we are gonna be dancin machines here soon! (Maybe it will make me lose a few pounds the steroids are putting them on quick!
OK back to wrapping I mean scrapping OH GOSH I have both yet to do ::sigh:: see ya later guys!

Happy everything!

HI YALL! I have been a busy busy scrapper getting gifts ready. I FINALLY feel human again wheewwweww which left me alot to get done. My scrap room looks like a scrappin bomb went off. I am almost done with my gift though (yahoo!) We will be heading to Mississippi soon with gifts in tow. I hope everyone is enjoying the Holidays and remembering to stop for a moment and be thankful for your health and your family. ALSO DON’T FORGET THE REASON FOR THE SEASON. This is a time of gratitude as well that God sent His son. As it says on our church’s sign outside….. REMEMBER….. IF there had been no Christmas. There would be no EASTER.

Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah, Merry whatever your celebrating this holiday season.