She speaks!! Catching up with photos!

OK , Yeah I know. It has been some time.  I have been mostly posting on face book and neglecting my blog. Everyone is a critic.  yeah yeah. We have been passing ourselves in the hall it seems we have been going so much. If we aren’t going it seems someone has had some sort of fluish cold or stomachy viral complaint. Thank you lord for lysol.  

The last post I put on here was for a cilantro dip that we took to a Sunday School party and fortunately <evil grin> I have photos from that occasion I just found on my camera. Ya know if you clear that card off occasionally you find all kinda neat things on there!! I have gotten spoiled by the convenience of using my phone and not using my camera so much anymore. I FORGET to upload my photos from the card. Just have to make ourselves do that sometimes and enjoy those memories and moments. We had so much fun and fellowship with our friends from church at the home of Patrick and Tesa that night. We solved many of  the world issues over such confections like Wendy’s amazing Salsa, and some enchiladas someone ruined my healthy diet plan with (CYNDI) but thats ok I prepared to be tempted and partake. (they were good that half of one I inhaled I have fond memories of it.) 

Look we took a picture so I could relive that moment I had no had mexican food in so long! 


You see that jar on the end? THAT is Wendy’s home made FAMOUS salsa. She will make you some (for a small fee!) and it is worth it. Lemme know I can get you in touch with her. ITS GOOD STUFF!


Remember our Babysitter Nathalie… Ya we love her just a little bit hahahaha. She is so funny.

I have really come to love these ladies in this group. They have prayed with us and shared with us. Celebrated with us as well as wiped tears.

They are helping us to be stronger in areas that we need help to be better through Jesus, as well as see where we can improve lovingly,


teaching each other through bible study,  prayer and seeking God’s wisdom. We love this church and are so grateful for this family we have come to be a part of. It isn’t a church that just meets,  sings, sits for an hour then goes on its way.




You get involved, EVERY SINGLE DAY they are DOING work. They have created so many mission opportunities HERE in our community as well surrounding us all the way around every direction, even other countries. It is like no other church I have ever seen. They are very mission oriented. It is all about DOING and BEING a Christian.  If you don’t have an opportunity to help someone or can’t find a way to help someone here, It is your own fault because they have lists every sunday in the bulletin a LONG list of ways to help,  They are very organized and make YOU WANT to be a part of it. 

We just had our Fall Festival. We in years past have been going to the fall festivals here but never attended the church.  I have to tell you This year was the best ever. It is always huge.  They do this as a big part of the community and they want everyone to have a good time.


They had an 80’s band. did you hear me AN 80’S BAND!!!  LOVED IT!!!  

I think that was my favorite part! Ok The Auburn game playing in the tent rocked also but THEY HAD AN 80’s BAND. It closed out playing TOM SAWYER. SERIOUSLY!  (some were our church band members ya!)    NO ugly words or anything just good music and clean fun. 



The Azalea Trail Maids were there. Bella has always called them “The Princesses”



My scared of heights child climbing the rock wall! GO BELLA!!! Ya we have a rock wall in “The Shack” lots of stuff for the kids.







My Three Girlies. Eva Caroline Bella and Olivia.







Eva Caroline like a spider Monkey up that rock wall.













They had so much fun





The school band would just walk around playing at random was so cool. We had a Band stand where The bands preformed also. Was great. There was a petting zoo, pony rides, Hay rides, a video game section set up for the gamers, Tent for the auburn and the alabama games, all kinds of food and a BUNCH of different blow up slides and games, cake walks and different things. Was a lot of fun.


Before the Fall Festival we had our annual Neighbor hood Halloween Party at Tara and Gregs house. 

(I am Catching yall up told ya we had been busy)

Here are some photos:



YES Charley went Trick or Treating to a couple houses right around ours with Bella.



Charley photo bomb haha














IT was a fun Exhausting night as well.

She has had several big projects at School.  She is doing really good.  









TODAY… Is my Awesome hubbys Birthday 🙂

We took this photo last night on our way to church. Thank you Bella bug for taking it. Happy Birthday hubby I love you more than ever.