This one is from LUCY she did this one day before yesterday and I got all confused but anyway….

HERE ya go:

1)Name one person who made you smile today? Just one? Oh gosh! My honey JOHN!

2)What were you doing at 8:00 this morning? sleepin’

3)What were you doing 30 minutes ago? Talkin to Leslie

4)What is something that happened to you in 1998? I married my HUBBY!!!

5)What is the last thing you said aloud? love ya! Mean it! forever an ever.

6)How many different things have you drank today? Tea and water

7)What color is your hair brush? Lemme go see. WEll I got several but the ones I use most are Pink and black and the other one is pink err and well realllly dark brown so what was the question again?

8)What was the last thing you bought? adhesive

9)What was the last gift you received? I got it yesterday! a white uniball pen from DI! THANK YOU DI I LOVE IT your soooo right! IT ROCKS!YOU ROCK lymi!

10)What color is your front door? wood door so err brown..

11)Where do you keep cell phone? up to my ear OK OK ok when not in use… on my desk

12)What was the weather like today? rainy thundrin and lightning!

13)What is the best ice cream flavor? Blue Bell Home made vanilla

14)What are you excited about? my baby bug coming home.

15)Do you talk a lot? WHO ME??? naaaaaaaaaaahh hehehehe OK OK YES!!!!

16)Name a weird food you like? I like to eat black eye peas with my spaghetti. yeah I know, but I was raised eatin it that way.

17)Cold or hot? for what? I like cold things cold and hot things hot…. yes my hubby is hot thank you.

18)What’s your favorite thing to do? scrapbook, blog, play with Bella and John, chat with my pals online or on the phone.
19)Do you want to cut your hair? yes It needs it BADLY

20: Are you over the age of 25? bwahahahah oh yeah!

21)Are you ticklish? yes

22)Are you typically a jealous person? Depends on what it is. I have most everything I REALLY want (a fab hubby and beautiful daughter) so what is there to be jealous of? I mean, YOUR SERIOUS?

23)Name a friend whose name starts with the letter “L” : Leslie

24)Name a friend whose name starts with the letter “A”: A Di and A Robin A Tracy? does that work? OK OK FINE! ANNETTE

25)Do you chew on your straws? yes

26)Do you have curly hair? not anymore

27)What is the next concert you’re going to? I have no idea seriously.

28)Who is the crappiest person in your life? I Dont allow crappy people in my life. If they are crappy I IGNORE them.

29)What is your favorite color? green pink and orange

30)What is something you say a lot? Bella? no bella! stop bella! come here, or That just ROcks outloud!! and ON FIYAHHH!!!!

31)What’s your room like? which room? THIS ROOM? imagine a scrap book store. k picturin it? Ok now. pick it up, YES, the entire store. and SHAKE IT really hard…. ok you get the idea.

32)What was the last movie you saw? BREACh on dvd but I have no idea I cant remember at the theater sad huh.

33)Do you have work tomorrow? YUP I have all kinda projects due the first

34)What’s your dream job? ahhhh I think I have it 😉 Sahm playin with my baby girl

35)When was the last time you said “I love you”? a few minutes ago

36)What should you be doing right now? cleanin up my scrap room from my scrap fest i had earlier

37)Do you have a nickname? Nan, Nanc, THE BLING QUEEEN
38)Are you a heavy sleeper? YES

39)When is the last time you did the dishes, honestly? last night

40)What are your pet peeves? PEOPLE WHO SAY they are going to do something and then DONT DO IT, People who are mean and evil JUST for fun. kids being disrespectful, such as kids that dont say yes mam, yes sir, please, thank you, etc. People that change up stories and make them into something that is TOTALLY not even CLOSE to the truth. negativity, drama creators, leaving a swallow of tea in the pitcher and putting it back in the fridge, name droppers, raking left over mayo or pb or whatever on the ege of the mouth of the jar (you get bread crumbs in it and that is just GROSS, peopel to drink out of my glass (I catch stuff easily and it is just gross) man that is alot huh?

OK NOW YOUR TURN.. IF YA WANNA BE IN THE BLOG CHALLENGE RAK. BE SURE TO POST here that you did the challenge and link it on TREASURES 🙂

SO you think YOU can TAG aye?

OK so my pal Leslie tagged me to do this and I got another tag from Lucy so Im gonna do them One at a time here. I think this is the the same tage though. SO lets see what you can do with it as well.

My roommate and I once: Ate at Taco Bell and Loaded up on the plastic eating utensils and condiments and napkins when we first moved into our apartment. My mom SHAMED me said that was stealing. I told her NUGH UGGGHH we each bought a TACO! (she still got mad)

Never in my life have I: been to Alaska. me either Leslie.

High school was : SO MUCH FUN! Had alot of great friends was in every club just about. Cheerleader ( bet your shocked) Played softball. Loved it.

When I’m nervous : I giggle and fidget my hands.

My hair : needs cutting BAD!

When I was 5 : I was in the first grade. I started school then and now kinda wish I would have waited till I was 6.

When I turn my head left : I can’t see the screen so I don’t know if……..

ahh there I am.

I should be : ASLEEP or at LEAST scrapping I have a LIST of projects due. ::SIGH::

By this time next year : I will be getting ready for Bella to go to kindergarten (SAY IT AINT SO!!!!)

My favorite aunt is : Aunt Irene. HIII! ::waving::

I have a hard time understanding : why they call it a DRIVE WAY at your house…. You dont DRIVE… YOU PARK..

You know I like you if : I tell ya I mean it!

My ideal breakfast is : I eat Pb toast too!! FREAKY! Or dry froot loops.

If you visit my home town : well it isnt a town its a little community but its pretty cool. YOU will get bored really fast though.

If you spend the night at my house : You will probably be attacked at 5 am by a little short child going HEYYYY! YOU WANNA WATCH MAX AND WOOOBEE WIFF ME? and if you say no she will jump on your bed till you get up.

My favorite blonde is : BElla bug

My favorite brunette is : My hubby John

The animal I would like to see flying besides birds : ughmm I just don’t care for the bird thing. I mean CHICKENS dont FLY. hmm yeah and we also eat them so ughmm. what was the question again?

I shouldn’t have been : THinking so hard now my head hurts.

Last night I: scrapbook’d and talked on the phone to my pals and spent time watching movies with my hubby.

A better name for me would be : Hmm…well I don’t think there is a better name!

I’ve been told I look like : my daddy.

If I could have any car, it would be : a truck.

NOW yall go tell me what yalls are and LINK ME BACK and then LOAD THe Link to your blog at treasures so I can throw you name in the hat for a rak 🙂


WHEHEW we made it past to the next round of SCRAPBOOKING IDOL at SCRAPBOOK LIFESTYLE. Some friends and I (HEY BECKY, HEY LESLIE) entered this contest and it is getting harder and harder. I want to thank you all for voting for me I SOOO APPRECIATE IT! Got a few weeks left and IM SOOOO excited! Here is the page I did for the last round for any of you that didn’t see.That is my nephew Adam and His girlfriend (in the center photo) and then some other buds of his from senior year. The photos are PERFECT for this line of paper and I will finish his album using the rest of it I got. Aren’t they the cutest ever?
That is the Love Elsie line called ROXIE I used on this page. I had a great time coloring it in with my Sakura pens. Really made it stand out.

THe next round is gonna be a little harder. We have to use ribbon and we cant let it just lay across the page and we cant tie it in a bow. Soooo, we have to come up with some creative ways to put it on the layout. THIS is gonna be fun.

We had alot of fun this weekend at TREASURES TO SCRAP’s birthday celebration crop. .
We had a few make and takes and they were SOOOOO much fun. I did the Deck of Me That I got from Annette’s blog. She is just the cutest ever GO SEE HER BLOG and tell her HI! She does the cutest work.
She had been doing this aleady and had kept telling me about it. SO I FINALLY jumped on the band wagon. Each week we will update with a new page for it. SOOO MUCH FUN. IF YOU would like to participate. I will tell you how this week. We are starting a thread with it at Treasures and going to do it as a group. SO much fun!! Here is what we have done so far so If you want to join in GO ahead. BE SURE to post at treasures in the Gallery sow e can see what you have done.

Tracy did the CUTEST make and take on sunday called the WONDER BREAD BOOK. SHe had us all confused wondering what the heck she was getting us into when she told us we needed a slice of bread for the class. You can imagine the questions that arose from that. BUT this is the CUTEST little book and it was SOOOO much fun to make. IM not finished really with mine. I have a few more quotes I want to put in there and some photos. I also wanted to add some more embellishments. I was sooo tired though so I just stopped at that point. I will go back and add more later. If you would like to make one she has the instruction up at Treasures. Was such a fun class. If you decide to make it let us see what you come up with. I changed mine up some and did it as a quote book instead of the birthday calendar. some others made theirs different things as well. VERY CUTE. Take a look through the gallery you can see the different things we made. My best bud Robin, did a class on making beads out of paper. IT WAS SOOO CUTE. I haven’t made mine yet I think I will wait till my girly girl BElla gets back home to do that. SHE WILL LOVE THIS.

I am missing my little bug so much. I am enjoying the quiet though maybe I can get well finally from these stupid shingles and get where I CAN SEE! (and hear) and be part of the world again. I know she is having so much fun with the family back home. I have talked to them every day hearing of her adventures. SHe is so funny. Can’t wait to get some snuggles and smooches. I know they are all eating her up since they dont get to see her that often. THey have to get their Bella fix.
Well that is all for me tonight. IM going to head out and get this rest I am supposed to be doing and put these freaky drops in my eyes so maybe I CAN SEE in the daylight again. see ya tomorrow 🙂

A small Toot…

OK not really a big deal to some but.. My page I just did of Bella “seriously 4” was picked up by the manufacturer’s website. It is published in Basic Greys Gallery. whehew. SO a small little toot.

I taught a little make and take class at Treasures To scrap online tonight. IT was fun. Thank you Annette for letting me use your sample and do this. IT is a lot of fun we will be doing a card to add to it every week. Here is what I did. It is not too late if you would like to join in. I put a tutorial up at Treasures to Scrap in the forums.

We are having a weekend birthday crop also this weekend. Lots of fun and prizes to be won. SO, stop on by and say hello. We learned alot about each other last night in the GETTING TO KNOW YOUR DESIGN TEAM CHALLENGE.. I think a few bones fell out of some closets ha ha. Was way too much fun! SO come on by and have fun with us! SHe is having a HUGEEEEE sale in her store as well ITS CRAZY. 40% off any order over 10.00 YES you heard me. HOW crazy is THAT! so come on by.


Bella, You crack me up with your facial expressions. You are seriously four!

I am lovin this basic grey and the DOODlebug JEWELS aare sooo sparkly. I LOVE all the new prima sprites and the queen and company buttons. You can find it at THe Treasures to Scrap store so WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE????? GO

We are having so much fun at our crop this weekend. WE had the best time last night with the GETTING TO KNOW OUR DESIGN TEAM challenge. SEEMS A FEW Errrr BONES with some bling on em come flyin out that closet. IT was a riot. YOU missed some hysterical laughs. YOu must come today to the make and takes and the chats we are having a BLAST!!


SO what are your weekend plans? ANything fun? I have lots of scrapping to catch up on. HOPE to see you at the crop. COME take advantage of some of these prizes. LOTS of fun stuff and freebies 🙂


ITs time again to vote for the SCRAPBOOK IDOL at scrapbook VOTE FOR ME VOTE FOR ME VOTE FOR ME. OK there was my PIMPIN JOB for the day. SO if you get a chance PLease got vote for me over there. My page this week had my nephew on it his senior year with some of his girl buddies being silly. this is for him to put in his album. SO it will make him feel really good as well so go vote!

Return policy?

SO ughmm DO KIDS come with a return policy? IM tryin to find our receipt cuz man I’t take this one back today. (yeah you know I would lose my mind in a day ok maybe 2 days missing my kid something horribly) Im lookin everywhere tryin to find the flippin owners manual that came with this kid cuz omg she has to be malfunctioning somewhere. MOMMY NEEDS TO FIND THE BATTERYS AND TAKE THEM OUT A COUPLE HOURS!

It never fails ESPECIALLY on the days when you dont feel yourself. You are achey and tired and just feel bad. If you could sleep maybe what 8 or 9 more days IT MIGHT make it better…( I see you shaking your head yes cuz well YOU completely understand) That kids do everything in their power to just make your head split in half and an alien form come out to beat their butt. IT is like they thrive or welcome the butt kicking they need. THEy are suffering from butt whoop deprivation. I was laying down on the couch. still feel yuck. Bella is playing with her “peoples”(little people thingys with the village and the houses she has like the entire TOWN with their own royal family and she calls one “MR PESIDNET” SO she is riding Mr Pesident around in his Little people mobile pulling a little trailer with “MR Pesidents WIYUN” (his lion) I guess when Your president YOU GET TO have whatever PET YOU FEEL LIKE. and I GUESS I drifted off cuz I was starled by “AM I BOOTIFUL?” I LOOK UP and see THIS It seems she snuck off to my bedroom closet where I keep in a box my old makeup that maybe the color didnt match well or whatever but I hate to throw away.. because I can use it halloween and for other stuff OR IF in some weird way I get to be in the sun again and actually have a tan.. UGHMM yeah right. SO NOW I am Throwing it all away. SO I look up and my first thought is OH GOD SHE IS BLEEDING. THEN my next thougth OH IM FIDDNA MAKE YOU BLEED will you PLEASE quit meddling in stuff.
WHAT IS the deal man!!! SO I look around she has drawn smilys on the TV with the lipstick and the windows and its in the carpet. SO I counted to like.. A MILLION. Made her clean it up and tell me she was sorry. I sit down on the couch again Still feel like crapp on the bottom of a shoe. I think for a bit and say OK you wanna watch little bear (her favorite show) mommy needs to work for a few minutes. WILL you watch this so I can go do this right quick. YES MOMMY IM a good girl I watch little bear.
OK I should have known better. SO I walk into the kitchen. SHe has pulled out her EPI pen the practise one and is giving her baby doll shots with it. OH MY GOD. I lost it. HOW DID YOU GET THIS. I CLIMBED UP THERE. SHe gets a chair and climbs onto the counter onto the refrigerator and gets it. UGHHHHH! DID WE NOT JUST HAVEEE THIS DISCUSSION? SO I explain to her the dangers of climbing and that SHE KNOWSS not to mess with this OR ANY MEDICINE unless mommy or daddy gives it to her. she is shaking her head yes. SO I punish her. NO TV and go to your room. OK YOU WOULD THINK this would be like throwing the brrrr rabitt into the briar patch. IF I WAS A KID ID LOVEEE HER ROOM. SHe has every toy known to man (hmm thinking this wont be much longer cuz we are takign them away as she misbehaves) but no SHE starts crying and whining and acting a fool cuz she wants to come in the living room. WEll IM TRYING to clean up what she couldnt clean and get it looking like people who care live here.
IM just exasperated Just tired. Frustrated and dangit STILL DONT FEEL GOOD.
I think I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN it was gonna be a rough day when at 4 am I walk into the kitchen and look down and get the heebie jeebies scared out of me when I see this:
OK the ball is NOT THAT intimidating when its in the day light but in a barely lit room at 4 am when they have you on drugs for pain. IT LOOKS LIKE A BIG A$$ FACE EATING SPIDER! SO I almost screamed but didnt, but I did JUMP onto a chair though then realised OK.. maybe, that is just Bellas face eating BALL, and it wont get you too bad Nancy. BUT I swear it moved. THat is when I decided NO…oh Heck no.. maybe it is really a face eating puffer fish but, no, there is no water in here today.. that was last week bella flooded the kitchen.. maybe its lost looking for its home again. AHHH but no, once dayslight hit.. I confirmed the fact that IT was just the Super scary creepy looking face eating ball.
NO I didn’t (thank GOD) wake up John to have him come kill it cuz I was scared it wasnt really there and he would say OK yeah its time honey and take me to that special room they are holding for me.
SO anyway… IT has been ONE OF THOSE FLIPPIN DAYS!!!
WHat about you. BLOG about what your day has been like and link us back so we can add your name to the rak in the box (we draw names once a week at TrEAsures to scrap for blog participants. COME SEE!

IM thinking of submitting Bella as My altered Item for this month… I keep saying I am gonna do it…


IT IS FLIPPINNNN HOTTTT here in Hell I mean Mobile ALabama. WE have had stormy weather on and off but we needed the rain. DID YOU KNOW that Mobile Alabama GETS MORE RAIN than ANY OTHER CITY IN THE UNITED STATES???? I didn’t know that but I BELIEVE IT. THey said that on the news last night and I kicked JOhn said NUGH UGHHH! CUZ I seriously thought that it was seattle Washington. I have a friend there that every time I talk to her ITS raining. That has to be depressing. I enjoy the rain here actually. REMINDS me of my first summer job in High School. I was a life guard at this little community pool. We had sooo much fun there. A few cute boys hung out but mostly people from out of town. It was a place people would bring their RV’s and come camp. I made some wonderful friends there. ANd when it rained we all went inside to the game rooom and played video games and shot pool. I remember HOW HOT it would get and some days we would pray it would rain so we could go inside.
Of course back then I could be in the sun and sport a tan. I had the body to wear the swim suit too. ahhhh BACK IN THE DAY…
SO what about you. What was your first summer job? I want to hear about it. DO you have any photos? Blog about it and link us. Be sure to put your link in the thread it we will put your name in for our weekly rak at TREASURES TO SCRAP 🙂
I gotta run. Bella said she is playin “tindawella” and has to clean up our castle.. (huh? castle what castle?) and I smell cleaning spray…. which sometimes is good but errr just having flash backs of the sandcastle in the kitchen incident… She hasnt learned the less is more theory yet…. SIGH…..

a fun silly monday challenge

I thought this was way cute!! SInce it is Monday and everyone is just TRYING to make it throuhg. WHY Not break up the monotony with something TOTALLY just fun. HEre is a simple fun silly quiz for you to play with and amaze your friends. badam pa CHING.. OK maybe I really am fozzie….

You Are Fozzie Bear

“Wocka! Wocka!”
You’re the life of the party, and you love making people crack up.
If only your routine didn’t always bomb!
You may find more groans than laughs, but always keep the jokes coming.

GO ahead take the test and link us back to what muppet character are you:)